
The word 'purpose' took on a whole new meaning when I stepped away from my role as an assistant principal. This decision to walk away sent me into a deep depression. I had no idea what I would do next.

Who am I if I’m not a school administrator? I’ve spent so much time and money investing in this career. What will I say when someone asks me what I do? What is my purpose?

I had to do some soul searching. I had to figure out what I was created to do. What skills and talents could I contribute to the world?

I discovered that purpose isn’t about having a prestigious position—it’s about making a profound impact.

This led me to the simple definition of purpose, Purpose = Service.

I have never been one to sit idly by, so I started homeschooling my preschool daughter. To keep my creative juices flowing I went back to my hobby-hustle of making jewelry. I began cataloging my creations on a website so I would have samples to show.

Then a friend of mine asked me to make a website for her. I commented, “I don’t do websites for people.” She convinced me to help her out with the startup of her business and I obliged. It was a way to serve.

Next, I began volunteering at a satellite campus as a College Academic Advisor. This led to one of the students asking me to tutor her. She was a non-traditional student at 72 years young and it was her lifelong dream to earn a college degree.

I agreed to help her because it was a way to serve. Other people began asking for websites and tutoring and two businesses were born.

At the time, I thought I was just staying busy. But looking back, every act of service was a stepping stone leading me to my greater purpose.

During this time I met Dr. Dora Washington, who was also assisting at the same satellite campus. She became my mentor. Her guidance led me on a journey of hope, healing, and authentic purpose.

She gave me opportunities to speak to her nonprofit and I found myself back in education. Full circle moment.

This was the next step to discovering my purpose. I am an educator. I love the process of teaching and learning.

Fast-forward to present day and I am the Founder and CEO of The Purpose Project Co. LLC where I speak, train, and coach individuals and organizations in purpose discovery and intentional growth.

So what happens when purpose is tied to a profession or a project and the job ends or the project is over?

How do you move forward?

You serve. Do what you can with what you have. Use your gifts, talents, and abilities to help someone else take their next step.

Take a look at these three Purpose Pointers:

Where there is a problem. There is purpose. Where there is pain. There is purpose. Where there is passion. There is purpose.

Purpose isn’t lost when a job changes or a position shifts—it evolves with each new season. Wherever you are on your journey, start by serving. Someone, somewhere, is waiting for you to step into your purpose.